In 1902 Francisca Morera i Ortiz commissioned the architect L. Domènech i Montaner to renovate his residence in Passeig de Gràcia. The building, known as Casa Lleó Morera (1905; Passeig de Gràcia, 34), was altered by the architect using Modernista language and has become one of the movement's most emblematic buildings. The work began and ended when the building already belonged to the son, Albert Lleó i Morera (Barcelona 1874-1929), a doctor and multi- faceted personality who patented several engine designs.
The interior decoration is said to contain references to the family's private life, particularly the premature death of one of the owner's children and the fact that he and his wife later had another son to whom they gave the same name. This allusion is found in the relief sculptures in the hall which illustrate a legend according to which the Virgin restores a king's son to life. There are also representations of the scene of the Adoration of the Magi in the carvings on the fireplace in the main living room.