He received his early artistic training in the workshop of the Dietrich stained glass window makers in Barcelona before going to work in the workshop of J. Espinagosa, another stained glass window maker, where he ran the artistic side of the business. It was not until his final period that he set up his own workshop, together with his son.
He made stained glass windows designed by the architect M.J. Raspall for his buildings, but he also worked with J.M. Jujol and, later, with C. Martinell. His pieces stand out above all for the technical quality of their finishes. Some of the stained glass windows of the basilica of Santa Maria del Mar (Plaça de Santa Maria, 1) and the church of Santa Maria del Pi (Plaça del Pi, 7), were made in this workshop when it was run by his son A. Oriach i Rovira. Examples of his work are also to be found in Vic and Girona.