This coming Sunday, March 27th, the Museum will be holding an "Art on Sunday" day, with a range of programming related to the exhibition. The installation has been opened since February 5th, but because of COVID protocols the opening celebrations could not be held until now.
The exhibition is presenting the work that made Alphonse Mucha famous: posters and illustrations, and decorative art designs, all set against the vibrant background of fin-de-siècle Paris. Late nineteenth-century costumes recall the Parisians strolling along the boulevards, and colourful glass from the same period by Émile Gallé and Moser & Sohne show the close relationship between Mucha's work and Art Nouveau. The exhibition also considers the rediscovery of Mucha's work in the 1960s, and how his style resonated in popular culture, flower power and Woodstock, as illustrated in the designs for albums covers and concert posters for bands like Martha & The Vandellas, The Rollings Stones and Pink Floyd. Kunstmuseum Den Haag will show the circumstances in which Alphonse Mucha became, and remains, world-famous.