Since 2003, the Art Nouveau European Route magazine coupDefouet has told the story of Art Nouveau by focusing on the fine detail contextualising it within a global outlook. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this magazine, the coupDefouet International Congress was held in June 2013 in Barcelona.
The main theme strand of the Congress was Art Nouveau Cities: Between Cosmopolitanism and Local Tradition. There were also sessions on recent historiographical contributions and presentations of doctoral thesis and research in progress, and debates on the future challenges of Art Nouveau heritage and on the importance of crafts and applied arts in the origins of modern design. To see the full programme and read or download the abstracts and full texts of each paper, go here.
The Scientific Committee, with some of the best specialists in the world, was coordinated by the University of Barcelona. The Urban Landscape Institute of the Barcelona City Council was the Executive Committee of the Congress.
Don’t miss the advanced keynote speech of the Congress; Paul Greenhalgh’s fascinating talk “Art Nouveau, the First International Modern Style”!
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